13 April 2006

RECOMMENDED READING - Quatre-Bras & Waterloo

The only new addition today has been a long overdue list of recommended books for those wishing to learn more about the Waterloo Campaign & specifically the Battle of Quatre-Bras (see links).

An Historical Sketch of the Campaign of 1815, Illustrated by Plans of the Operations and of the Battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo
Superb (if you can get hold of a copy)

History of the Waterloo Campaign (Napoleonic Library)
Superb (if you can get hold of a copy) - This book is more than a book, its a part of history and an essential fascinating read for anyone interested in the Waterloo Campaign.

The Days of Battle; or, Quatre Bras and Waterloo
Highly Recommended (if you can get hold of a copy)

The Waterloo Companion: The Complete Guide to History's Most Famous Land Battle
Highly Recommended - There have been many books about Waterloo, but never one to rival this in scale or authority.

Waterloo 1815: Quatre Bras and Ligny
Recommended - An authoritative over of both battles.

A Narrative of the Battles of Quatre-Bras and Waterloo, with the Defence of Hougoumont
Recommended - Narrative of the Waterloo campaign by Private Matthew Clay 2nd Battalion 3rd [Scots Fusilier] Foot Guards, published in Bedford in 1853.

1815: The Waterloo Campaign. Volume 1: Wellington, His German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras
Recommended - A unique reassessment of the Hundred Days and a powerful analysis of the events of the epic confrontation at Waterloo.

    Today is day of rest...not that I can afford one! I will be posting new photos tomorrow evening (GMT - Friday 14 Apriil) so it only leaves me to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

    1 comment:

    1. Hi,
      I thought that I would post a comment to say that I like the work you are doing even though this is not a period I cover (as Yet)I see potential. You have caused me to start my own Blogg, ever so humble that it is. "Realistic Miniatures"
      Thank you and keep up the good work.

      Mark Temple
