Just Wellington & William, Prince of Orange Command bases to do then I'm off to sort the Frenchies out. Once again, I do want to hear your feedback - hey that's what these blogs are all about. Are they useful? etc...I have a Yahoo Forum where I post ADVANCE NOTICES and answer members questions so feel free to join. Plus, I'd really appreciate members posting examples of their paintwork on the Forum - a Napoleonic global gallery so to speak.
The French will be easy in comparison and I hope to post up their wargame plates over the next week - my daughter's 7th birthday weekend permitting.
May I thank Joe Videki at The Miniature World of Joe Videki (a superb web site & resource), Ian Marsh at Fighting 15s, Little Lead Heroes, Dave Woodward's excellent EVM - Miniature Painting web site - and yes, I have only been painting since last year's Salute, David Brown's General de Brigade blog - hopefully my GdeB efforts are enough to show my appreciation of an awesome rules set, Fat Wally, Martin Kelly and his brilliant Napoleonic Prussian site Befreiungskriege 1813-14 and the superb artwork of Clarence Harrison at Quindia Studios.
Only 51 days to go before Salute - the guys responsible for awakening the painter inside me. I plan to post a detailed article pre and post the show and look forward to a drink and chat with the likes of Spencer Keen, Kevin Dallimore et al at the show.
Well, back to the plates as I have some Frenchmen who are feeling somewhat aggrieved!
Hey JC - I'll be at Salute too (along with Peter F. of Calpe probably). Perhaps we can finally meet up for that drink!
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